Category: Vendor Sessions
Automated Mini-SPE Cleanup and Rapid GC-MS/MS Analysis of Pesticides and Environmental Contaminants in Complex Matrices
Unlocking the Mystery of Pesticides CRM Stability for Food Analysis
LC-MS/MS Analysis of Glyphosate and Other Polar Contaminants in Food with a Novel Ion Exchange/HILIC Column
Validation of a much faster clearance method for pesticides in food extract using a combined targeted and non-target approach using Bruker Impact II QTOF
Pesticide methods: Strategies and tools to help the analytical workflow
Advantages and limitations of supercritical fluid chromatography for multiresidue analysis of pesticides
A Rapid, Simple, and Efficient Automated Method for the Extraction of Pesticides from Difficult Food Matrices
How to analyse more than 300 pesticides in 10 minutes without compromising chromatographic resolution: the benefit of a multi-channel UHPLC system
GERSTEL MAESTRO Dilution Wizard – A new Software Tool for easy Standard Solution Preparation
Improving robustness and productivity with on-line or off-line clean-up of extracts for LC-, GC- and IC-MS/MS analysis of pesticide residues